Parish News

An Update on the Progress of our Church Construction

The major project in our Parish is the reconstruction of our Church.  We apologize to you for the delay, because the original contractual date of finishing the construction was in August 2018.  We have site meetings once every month.  We have had 37 site meetings so far and we have received 18 interim valuation certificates.  The Parish Leadership is represented in the site meetings.

With your constant contribution we have been able to honour all these certificates to the tune of Ushs. 7,543,007,189/=.  Thank you so much for your generosity and the love you have for your Church.  The new tabernacle for our Church has been constructed in Krakow Poland and it is ready just awaiting shipment.  We are very grateful to some members of the Parish Community that searched out for the making of this Tabernacle.

The first phase of the project was the demolition and reconstruction of the Priest’s house.  This phase was finished more or less and the Priests are using the new house.  It may lack some furniture and certain areas like the offices cannot be accessed before the Church is finished because the public entrance is in front of the Church.

We are at a critical stage of carrying out the finishes.  About 2/3 of the ceiling is done and more than 50% of the floor is laid with granite stones.

It is now an appeal to each one of us to make an effort for the final push to fix the windows/door and then painting. We shall need new pews as well.

We shall ever be grateful to you all for the miracle you have accomplished in the reconstruction of Christ the King.

May God bless you and may our Lord Jesus Christ the King touch your lives.

Let us continue in the same spirit and with the same zeal.

Thank you.

Msgr. Gerard Kalumba

Parish Priest

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