Goan Community

The Goan community can be traced to 1900 as a small community of Catholics in Kampala that had come all the way from Goa, Mangalore & South India. A Christian community of staunch Catholics who were never hesitating to be known for their Catholic faith. They used to go to Nsambya and Lubaga to attend Mass.

As the community grew, the need for a church to serve them became more evident. After consultations and with the support of the Bishop of Comana, Vicar Apostolic of the Upper Nile the Most Rev. John William Campling, the current location is Plot 3 Colville street was acquired and Rev. Fr. H. Janssen was appointed to build the Church. The foundation for the church was laid and blessed by Bishop Campling on the Feast of Christ the King, October 27 1929. The work progressed steadily and the Church was opened and blessed on October, 26, 1930.

With this background the Goan Community is recognized as Pioneers of the Parish and has remained committed up-to-date in service and involvement in various parish activities. They animate the Saturday Vigil Holy Mass every last Saturday of the month, lead the Mother of Perpetual Succor on Wednesdays and the way of the Cross on Fridays during the Lenten period.

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