The Society of St. Vincent De Paul

The St Vincent de Paul Society was founded by a 20 year old student named Frederic Ozanam in 1833. It was established by likeminded individuals who wished to put their faith into action.
Mission: As Vincentians we are committed to serving God through loving and helping our neighbor.
The Society of Saint Vincent de Paul (SSVP or SVdP) is a Catholic voluntary organization of lay men and women founded in France in 1833, & introduced in Uganda in 1959. Our members(Vincentians) are dedicated to providing personal, one-to-one interaction with people in need. We visit them where they are– their home, a hospital, residential home or institution, on the streets, in prison– wherever they are, and regardless of their beliefs or culture or background.
We extend our hands first in friendship as the basis for all the other help we give. There are around 51,000 conferences in the world, with over 700,000 members. Working with the members, in particular tasks to help different groups of people (children, the elderly, the sick, schools, hospitals, etc.) are more than 1,500,000 volunteers, throughout the world, since there are Conferences of the SVP in 142 countries.

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