Neo Catechumenal Way
The Neocatechumenal Way is a way of Christian Initiation that develops a pastoral work of evangelization for adults. A post baptismal catechumenate. This evangelization is bringing to a living faith many of our brothers and sisters who today live a Christianity of habit, and is giving to many people submerged in a secularized world the possibility of meeting Our Lord Jesus Christ through Christian communities which live their faith at an adult level.
The Neocatechumenal Way began in Madrid, Spain in 1962 among the slum dwellers of the shanty town “Palomeras Altas”. Kiko Arguello and Carmen Hernandez had gone there, called by the Lord to live their Christianity among the poor, really sharing the lives of those who, in their misery, bear the consequences of the sins of our society. They were then asked, by the very people with whom they were living, to proclaim to them the good news of our Savior Jesus Christ. Through the poor of the shanty town the basis of the Neocatechumenate was born where: one discovers their baptism by walking a way based on a tripod: word, liturgy, and community.