Mother of Perpetual Succour Novena
First Prayer:
O Mother of Perpetual Succour, behold me, a miserable sinner, at your feet.
I have recourse to you, and put my trust in you. O Mother of Mercy, have pity upon me. I hear you called by all the refuge and hope of sinners; be then my refuge and my hope. Succour me for the love of Jesus Christ; stretch out your hand to me, O my Mother, who recommend and dedicate myself to you as your perpetual servant. I bless and thank God for having in his mercy given to me this confidence in you, the pledge, as I believe, of my eternal salvation. Alas, too often in the past I have miserably fallen because I did not have recourse to you! I know that with your help I shall conquer; I know that you will help me if I recommend myself to you; but I fear that in the occasions of falling I might not call on you and so should lose my soul. This, then, is the grace I seek from you – and I beg you to obtain it for me – namely, in the assaults of hell always to have recourse to you and to say to you: O Mary, help me; Mother of Perpetual Succour, do not allow me to be separated from God.
(Nine Hail Marys.)
Ant. Holy Mary, succour the miserable, help the fainthearted, cheer those that weep, pray for the people, be the advocate of the clergy, intercede for all women consecrated to God. Let all who implore your perpetual succour feel your aid.
V. O Lady, you have been made a refuge for us.
R. A helper in need and tribulation.
Let us pray:
O almighty and merciful God, who have given us the picture of your most Blessed Mother to venerate, under the title of Perpetual Succour, grant that, amid all the changes of our journey through life, we may be so defended by the continual protection of the same ever-virgin Mary that we may deserve to obtain the rewards of your eternal redemption. Who lives and reigns with God the Father in the unity of the Holy Spirit, world without end. Amen.
Second Prayer:
O Mother of Perpetual Succour, grant that I may always invoke your most powerful name, for your name is help in life, salvation in death. Mary most pure, Mary most sweet, let your name henceforth be the breath of my life.
O Lady, do not be slow to come to my succour whenever I call on you; for in all the wants which befall me, I will never cease to call on you, and to repeat again and again: Mary, Mary! What comfort, what sweetness, what confidence, what tenderness my soul feels at the mere mention of your name, at the very thought of you! I thank the Lord for having given me for my good this name, so sweet, so amiable, so powerful. But merely to pronounce your name is not enough for me. I wish to do so out of love. I wish that love may remind me always to call you Mother of Perpetual Succour.
Third Prayer:
O Mother of Perpetual Succour, you are the dispenser of all the graces which God bestows on us wretched creatures; and for this he made you so powerful, so rich, so kind, so that you may succour us in our miseries. You are the advocate of the most miserable and abandoned sinners, who have recourse to you; help me, then, who recommend myself to you. I place my eternal salvation in your hands, to you I consign my soul. Number me among your more special servants; take me under your protection, and I will be satisfied. Yes, for if you help me, I fear nothing, not even my sins; since you will obtain for me the pardon of them; nor the devils, for you are more powerful than all hell; nor even Jesus, my true Judge, because by one prayer of yours he will be appeased. My only fear is that through my own negligence I should cease to recommend myself to you, and so should be lost. Obtain for me, my Lady, the pardon of my sins, the love of Jesus, final perseverance, and the grace of always having recourse to you, O Mother of Perpetual Succour.
– St Alphonsus Liguori
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