Message from the Parish Priest Christ the King Parish Day – NOVEMBER 22, 2020
Before wishing you a Blessed and Joyous Parish Day, November 22, 2020, allow me first and foremost to apologize sincerely for the failure to have our Church finished! I am very sorry indeed. For two and a half years, I have been promising that it would be ready by the next Parish Day or the next Christmas or Easter but it has not been so.
The construction has been done but there are challenges with the finishes on the windows and some parts of the ceiling that the Consultants have to sort out before the Contractor can complete the Project. It is a pity that it is taking such a long time.
I thank you so much for your patience and for accepting all the inconveniences. I also thank you heartily for your generous contributions that have brought our Project this far. You have been wonderful. Our Tabernacle has also arrived from Poland!
We have not yet ordered for the new pews, because we must make sure that we pay for the construction and finishes first. There will be different sizes of the pews – the biggest will cost about Ush.2,500,000/= (Two Million Five Hundred Thousand) and the small ones will cost about Ush.500.000/= (Five Hundred Thousand). The seats at the Galleries are not determined yet.
As we struggle with the COVID-19 pandemic, we thank God who has protected us this far. It has been scaring and it has kept us apart and away from the Church. Continue to be courageous and careful to minimize the spread of the virus as we pray for a cure.
Much of the Liturgical Year has passed in a lockdown without our Community Celebrations. We pray that this situation does not keep us away from The Lord and from Community Prayer.
As we celebrate our Parish Day, we thank The Lord who has brought us this far sailing through all these challenges without sinking. Thank you Lord.
May Christ the King reign in our hearts and our Parish which is named after HIM.
We thank you, through Our Lord Jesus Christ, for keeping The Parish functioning during the lockdown and for feeding the Priests. Several of you looked after us so well. Thank you and may God bless you always.
Mary Mother of The Lord, pray for us.
Msgr. Gerard Kalumba
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