What are Sacraments?
Sacraments are outward signs, instituted by Christ that enables us to encounter the living God. We are a Sacramental Church whose lives are formed and fashioned in the faithful celebration of the Sacraments handed on to us by Jesus Christ.
We have 7 sacraments which are divided into 3 clusters:
The Sacraments of initiation
Anyone who has celebrated these three sacraments is fully incorporated into the Church and is entitled to participate fully in all liturgical functions. With these three we become full members of the Church.
The Sacraments of healing
These two assist a member of the Church who is wounded spiritually and physically. In Penance / Reconcile we are re-united with God and our neighbor and in the anointing, we seek healing, both spiritually and from physical illnesses.
The Sacraments at the Service of Communion.
These two are embraced by individuals to serve the Community as Priests or Married Couples.
The celebration of these Sacraments officially marks us as Members of the Family of the Catholic Church that profess Christ who died was buried and rose from the Dead. And the Family of the Catholic Church believes in the Holy Catholic and Apostolic Church which celebrate the Faith officially in Liturgy.
How do I receive the Sacraments?
Children are prepared in Catechism classes and receive the Sacraments at age appropriate times, while Adults, new to the church, receive them as part of the Rite of Christian Initiation or R.C.I.A.