Parish News

Christ the king parish day celebration – 2019

Hundreds of worshipers filled Christ the King Parish on Sunday 24th November 2019 to celebrate the Solemnity of Christ the Universal King. The parish that was inaugurated on 26th October 1930 and consecrated to Christ the King every year pays homage to the Universal King as it commemorates its parish day on the same Sunday.

Addressing the worshipers shortly before the Solemn Mass, the parish priest Msgr. Gerard Kalumba thanked the Almighty God for the development the parish has achieved over the years and also appreciated the parishioners for the love they have exhibited especially towards the Church reconstruction. He welcomed the visiting priests and extended his gratitude to Rev. Fr. John Bosco Ssembatya and Rev. Fr. Arthur Muwonge (in absentia) for having served selflessly during their time at the parish and officially welcomed Rev. Fathers Mathias Nteza and Remigius Sserugga who recently joined the parish.

Clad in gold, white and cream chasubles, the officiating clergy surrounded the altar to offer a Sacrifice of Thanksgiving at 12:30 pm, during the Eucharistic celebration that was animated by Christ the King Parish Youth Apostolate choir. The main celebrant Rev. Fr. Raymond Ssebina in his remarks remembered his priestly journey with Christ the King Parish and was thankful for the support the parish has given him through his seminary days to date, “Msgr! you’re a faithful and sincere man” Rev. Fr. Raymond Ssebina added. Fr. Ssebina was supported by the parish to realise his call and he is currently serving as a curate at Ggaba parish.

During the Eucharistic sacrifice that was offered with incense, Rev. Fr. John Bosco Ssembatya who served the parish for four years, in his homily applauded the parish for its marvelous support towards his growth and called upon the faithful to emulate the Solemn King of the Universe in Humility, Love and Faith. Also among those at the Altar was Rev. Fr. David Arch Angelo from the Neocatechumenal Way, Msgr. Joseph Mugambe who was also merited for his selfless service, Deacons and Altar servers. Later, the parish priest hosted a few invited guests to a luncheon at the priest’s residence.
Christ the King Parish, was founded by the Mill Hill Missionaries on October 30, 1930. Rev. Fr. Henri Jerssen was its founding parish priest. Situated at the heart of Kampala, the parish offers three daily Masses, daily confessions, seven Sunday Masses and Masses on special arrangement. The last two years brought new developments which included the grand reconstruction of the parish church which is at the finishing level and more collective effort is needed to bring it to completion.

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