Parish News, Parish Priest's Message

The Season of Lent, Holy Week and the Resurrection: Parish Priest’s Message

Dear sisters and brothers we are in very challenging times when an invisible COVID-19 has more or less shut down the whole world! The lockdown  has happened during this important season of our faith, the season of Lent, Holy week and the Resurrection! Through all the challenges, pains, desperation, redudancy, fear, hunger, isolation,poverty and global financial downward trend, let us keep hope that after the season of fasting, prayer and almsgiving ; after the painful  Holy Week of suffering ,torture, crucifixion  and death on the cross, there is LIFE  namely the RESURRECTION

Let us look forward to LIFE after the crucifixion by COVID-19.You will remember that the season of lent is 40 days  beginning from Ash Wednesday to the Saturday of Palm Sunday. Forty is biblical symbolic number of days or years that are required for trial (test), temptation, courage and eventual purification. This year Lent started on the 26th February which was Ash Wednesday. I recall the crowds that came out that day in contrast to a totally empty church and streets today! On Palm sunday  with only 4 Priests  and two staff members from the Priests’s  residence Holy Week started! We do not expect anything different on HOLY THURSDAY, GOOD FRIDAY, HOLY SATURDAY & EASTER SUNDAY. This is food for thought, may this quiet celebration lead us to victory. Jesus Christ quiet 3 days including being in the tomb resulted into VICTORY OF THE RESURRECTION.

The end of the lenten season is not the end of prayer, fasting and almsgiving. These activities are still relevant in Holy Week especially on Friday, a day of fasting and abstination. Let this season lead us to the VICTORY over COVID-19. Let us pray in our homes presenting the needs of the entire world and Uganda in a particular way. Our failure to gather as a community in our church should intensify our desire and mobilise our energies for the love of God and Prayer.Let this be a lesson that prayer does not stop in official places of worship or church but that it is carried on in our homes and places of work. Our advice: try the top-rated Linux VPS server. That whatever we do should end up as prayer.Our work is part of our communication  with God. Our relationships are part of our communication  with God, so that the effects of prayer must be felt when we are out there in our so called secular life. Let us learn to abridge what we call spiritual life and secular life. All our activities  must be permeated by the WORD OF GOD in order to make our lives practical and meaningful.


The three holy days of Easter begin with HOLY THURSDAY. In the morning the Bishop celebrates  the CHRISM MASS in which he blesses the holy oils. This year because of COVID-19 we are not congregating for this Mass.The priests have been given permission to celebrate the Mass of THE LORDS SUPPER  without  the people otherwise on Thursday all Masses without people are forbidden. The Mass of the Lords Supper is celebrated in the evening.This celebration begins Holy Mass which goes on for 3 days and is concluded on Easter Vigil or Holy Saturday celebrations, so it is one continous Mass from HOLY THURSDAY through GOOD FRIDAY and concluded on Holy Saturday night celebration(Easter Vigil).

What we do in these three days is what we celebrate in Mass everyday: This is the MYSTERY OF FAITH that we proclaim: WE PROCLAIM YOUR DEATH, OH LORD AND PROFESS YOUR RESURRECTION UNTILL YOU COME AGAIN  as we eat the bread and drink the cup.

On HOLY THURSDAY Christ celebrates His suffering, crucifixion and death with His disciples in the eating of the bread and drinking of the cup while  GOOD FRIDAY is totally dedicated to the death of Jesus and HOLY SATURDAY inaugurates the Resurrection.

I wish you all a very gracious, special, peculiar Easter celebration awaiting the Lords Victory over COVID-19.

Msgr. Gerard Kalumba

Parish Priest



Holy Thurday – The Lords Supper 4:00pm

Good Friday – The Passion of the Lord 3:00pm

Holy Saturday – Easter  Vigil  7:00pm

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